Sunday, January 27, 2008

heart of darkness. quote.

The quote I selected from Heart of Darkness we already answered a question on during the reading however it was one that made an impression on me and I felt that it is very significant to the rest of the novel, despite how short it is.

"'Don't you talk with Mr. Kurtz?' I said. 'You don't talk with that man - you listen to him,' he exclaimed." (132)

Although in this instance the Russian is referring to Mr. Kurtz's and his unbelievable charisma, the quote certainly has more to it. Even though Kurtz is referred to as a voice for a large portion of the novel, the quote is not entirely about his charismatic way with words, it goes much deeper. As the novel reaches part III and we are finally introduced to Kurtz we find out that he is a clear depiction of someone who has lost all sanity, and is a representation of the heart of darkness found in every man. Kurtz has embraced his instinctive impulsive nature and his own humanity is questionable. Therefore, knowing this about Kurtz the quote has much more significance. "That man" in the quote does not only represent Kurtz but also the evil that lies within a person, or so Conrad believes. When the Russian says, "you don't talk with that man - you listen to him" it is basically saying that the evil within us can control us if the right circumstance presents itself. This evil to can't really talk to, it is just there, and will come out on its own. However, you do listen to it and this is why Kurtz is in the position he is in. Kurtz listened to his animalistic instincts and relied less on his own human capacity to reason. Marlow found himself close to his level, almost losing himself in a shroud of darkness. This proves how strong the voice of darkness is in someone. Marlow caught himself at the last second, he was able to "draw back his hesitating foot" however he wasn't able to stop himself from listening to the voice of impulse within him.

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