Friday, November 2, 2007


The end scene of this film reminds me of Equality 7-2521 running away from the society he knows in Anthem. Although not exactly the same, the guard’s undefined faces and very mechanic movement reflect the society that Equality lived in because of the lack of individuality and emotion. In the cut scene back to the command center notice how both men and women have shaved heads and are wearing the same white jumpsuit. This is the same throughout the film and it is also similar to how in Equality's society, men and women are equals who are unable to share physical attraction. Robert Duvall's character reminds me of Equality 7-2521 because in this final scene he is running away from convention to discover an existence unlike any he's ever imagined. Both THX-1138 and Equality discover personal identities that have been hidden due to their societies.

1 comment:

Mr. Klimas said...

Awesome clip! I love how he escapes the underground world of blacks and grays, and emerges into the colorful world of wild and savage nature. The final scene, with his silhouette in front of the sun, is a rebirth image that could've been straight out of "How To Read Literature Like a Professor".